Success Story: Nembris

Dec 19, 2023

Meet Nembris who lives in remote Tanzania.  Nembris is the second wife of her husband’s four wives. Thirty years ago, on her fifth pregnancy she struggled in labour at home, eventually delivering a stillborn child after four days of labour. She also sustained a fistula. Unaware that she could get treatment, Nembris lived like this for three decades, shunned by all except her children and rarely venturing far from her hut. Remarkably sheonly lived 20km away from BMF sponsored Kivulini hospital in Arusha, Tanzania.  


A former, cured patient of the hospital, who knew of Nembris’ situation, sought her, and told her to come. She came, meeting dozens of other women just like herself and is now cured. She told her carers – ‘I always knew God would answer my prayers and lift my suffering one day.’