Success Story: Birtukan

Success Story: Birtukan

Meet Birtukan, who lives outside Barhirdar. During her fifth pregnancy her baby was dangerously small. Thankfully, she had been attending the clinic in the BMF sponsored hospital in town.   During this time, severe fighting broke out around her village as part of a...
Success Story: Boui

Success Story: Boui

Meet Boui, 16, who lives in remote South Sudan. The young married bride had her first pregnancy and went into labour, however, after four days in labour her family were eventually persuaded to take her to the mission hospital several hours away. On arrival, Boui...
Success Story: Nembris

Success Story: Nembris

Meet Nembris who lives in remote Tanzania.  Nembris is the second wife of her husband’s four wives. Thirty years ago, on her fifth pregnancy she struggled in labour at home, eventually delivering a stillborn child after four days of labour. She also...
Success Story: Anna

Success Story: Anna

Anna is among the many women who have attended Maternity Africa’s Kivulini Maternity Hospital for maternal health services this year.  During her third pregnancy Anna’s husband unexpectedly passed away. After this time living with her in-laws became incredibly...
Success Story: Aisha

Success Story: Aisha

Aisha is being carried for two hours through the Afar desert in Ethiopia through 45-degree heat and on a homemade stretcher. She is in labour and the men are trying to find some mobile phone reception to call our ambulance. The ambulance is another four hours away. No...
Success Story: Lucia

Success Story: Lucia

Lucia’s exact age is unknown to her, though she recalls being born before the president of Tanzania, which would mean she is likely over 100 years old (though this is improbable). After giving birth to a daughter, her second delivery in the village endured a...