Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2020

Oct 2, 2020

A message from the Chairman – Michael Sharpe AO

As the current financial year comes to a close, the world is facing the unprecedented challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic. As the health and safety of our in-country teams, and the patients they serve, remains our most important priority, the Foundation has taken every step possible to assist them to prepare for and navigate their way safely through this difficult time.

COVID lockdowns meant the Foundation had to cancel all of our fundraising events planned for the second half of the year. However, in spite of these setbacks our FY20 fundraising income has come in at $2.19m, an increase of $613k (39%) from 2019 of $1.58m. Excluding Maternity Africa restricted donations, total funds raised for the Ethiopian hospitals was $1.59m, which was $28k (2%) below budget, and was $244k (18%) above 2019. We are very pleased with this result and thanks all our supporters sincerely for the significant and generous part you have played in this outcome. You will find the full audited accounts for 2020 here.