Success Story: Anna

Oct 17, 2023

Anna is among the many women who have attended Maternity Africa’s Kivulini Maternity Hospital for maternal health services this year. 

During her third pregnancy Anna’s husband unexpectedly passed away. After this time living with her in-laws became incredibly challenging for Anna and her two children. She decided to leave her in-laws and rented a room in an industrial area of Arusha. Anna worked in people’s homes attending to tasks such as washing clothes and other chores to earn a little money to buy food and pay her rent.  

Anna became unwell, and with her health and the health of her unborn baby in decline, she was admitted at Kivulini Maternity Centre where medical staff were able to treat and care for her throughout the rest of her pregnancy.  

While caring for Anna, staff at Kivulini came to understand her circumstances and realised the other challenges she was facing including the imminent risk of eviction from her home due to unpaid rent. Maternity Africa staff extended their generosity to Anna, donating their own money to help find a single room for Anna, her children and her new baby to go home to. Maternity Africa also provided Anna with a food bundle to assist her.  

Anna with her baby and Social Worker
Anna with her baby and Social Worker

Maternity Africa’s social worker referred Anna to Neema Village, a local partner organisation that assists extremely destitute mothers. Neema Village accepted Anna and have helped her establish a small business, enabling her to earn some money to take care of herself and provide for her family. 

We are thankful for the compassionate, loving and hope-filled care that our hospitals are able to provide.