Urgent: Afar Desert Famine matching dollar for dollar

Jan 22, 2024

The world has turned its back on the devastating famine in the Afar desert in Ethiopia which is killing so many women, babies and men. Valerie Browning reports that 70% of pregnant women in the Afar are severely malnourished. There have never been so many maternal deaths in this region. It is a tragic record. 

Money is desperately needed to buy food and so a generous donor will donate $1 for every dollar we raise through donations from today until 29 February up to $10,000. 

Can you help turn that $10,000 into $20,000 or even $100,000 to help pregnant and nursing mothers and their families in the Afar desert.

Please donate here before the end of February:
and select ‘Emergency relief for women affected by famine’

Dollar for dollar Afar Appeal